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Merry Christmas!

As the year comes to an end, we give thanks for all the extra special people in our lives that have brightened our days, who were there for us when we needed a shoulder to lean on and with whom we have spent some memorable times. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year. May the New Year bring you love, joy, peace, harmony, good health and prosperity.
The success of Heaven on Hearth depends on loyal followers like you. With my warmest Christmas Regards, have a Happy Season.

Melted Leeks with Cream

Leeks have a delicate onion flavor and smell a bit like scallion. With a hint of nutmeg and a small splash of cream added to the delicate taste, this simple side dish becomes a complex delight that will compliment fish, poultry or beef.
Photography by Heaven on Hearth


Salmon with Garam Masala Baked in Parchment

With all different types of spices available on the market, it’s so easy to experiment.
Indian spices in particular tend to have everything you need to tickle your tastebuds. They like to blend a handful of spices that are fragrant, pungent, warm, spicy and sweet into a beautiful blend of flavors.

Garam Masala is an Indian mix of spices, made of ground coriander, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, charmushka, caraway, cloves, ginger and nutmeg, that compliment the salmon perfectly without being too overpowering.
Photography by Robert Demetrius

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