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Salmon with Garam Masala Baked in Parchment

With all different types of spices available on the market, it’s so easy to experiment.
Indian spices in particular tend to have everything you need to tickle your tastebuds. They like to blend a handful of spices that are fragrant, pungent, warm, spicy and sweet into a beautiful blend of flavors.

Garam Masala is an Indian mix of spices, made of ground coriander, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, charmushka, caraway, cloves, ginger and nutmeg, that compliment the salmon perfectly without being too overpowering.
Photography by Robert Demetrius

You will need:

2 feet parchment paper
1½ pounds of salmon
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon Garam masala, Punjabi style

Pre-heat oven at 500°Fahrenheit
Salmon Filet on Parchment Paper
Spread 2 feet of parchment paper on a flat surface, place the salmon filet in the middle of the sheet. 

Salmon Filet Seasoned with Salt and Punjabi Style Garam Masala
Season the filet, with ¼ teaspoon salt and ½ teaspoon Punjabi style Garam masala on each side.
Seasoned Salmon Filet Folded in Parchment Paper
Once seasoned, fold the paper lengthwise first, by folding about 1 inch wide, until you have reached about 1 inch away from the filet, then fold the sides then fold under the filet.

Place the salmon, folded in parchment paper on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Bake at for 10 minutes.
Ready to be Served!
This serves 4. Voilà. This dish goes well with Melted Leeks with Cream and Potatoes with Bonne Herbes Parisienne.

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